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Public Consultations

Welcome to the Public Consultations page for the Canal & River Trust’s Montgomery Canal Restoration project, supported by the Levelling Up Fund.

Stretch of canal with banks reinforced by coir rolls

This page provides detailed information about our upcoming and ongoing consultation events, which are integral to our planning application process. You can also view and download PDF copies of the plans and reports that we submit as part of our planning applications.

We value your input and encourage you to review the documents and share your thoughts through the survey link provided below. Your feedback is crucial to ensuring the success of this restoration effort. Thank you for your participation and interest in the future of the Montgomery Canal.

After viewing the below plans, please provide your feedback through this online form.

Carreghofa Lane Bridge

Here you can access the plans and information boards that were presented at our public information events for Carreghofa Lane Bridge in June 2024.

Williams Bridge

Below is the preliminary draft plan for Williams Bridge, showcased during the public information events in June 2024. We are currently advancing the design of a lift bridge option for this site.

Wern Nature Reserve

We have created plans for an open water and wetland nature reserve adjacent to the canal. This site will provide an environment where wildlife can thrive across diverse habitats, including freshwater, woodland, and wetland areas.

Other useful information

Click on the boxes below to explore additional background and supporting information about the Levelling Up Fund Montgomery Canal restoration project. This includes display boards from the June 2024 public information events and project brochures.

Last Edited: 28 June 2024

photo of a location on the canals
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