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The charity making life better by water

Long walks near me

Stretch your legs and feel better by water with one of our favourite long canal walks. Read more.

Lady walking dog beside canal with blossom on trees Lady walking dog beside canal with blossom on trees

Make the most of the long hours of daylight with a long walk by water. The following walks are around five miles long - perfect for stretching your legs and enjoying fresh air and exercise.

In no particular order, here are some of our favourite long canal walks

Walks in the midlands

A walk in the north

A walk in Wales

Walks in the south

Walking advice

Remember to bring along a drink and dress appropriately for the weather. You may need suncream and a sunhat, or a raincoat and wellies. It's important to take medical advice before starting a new exercise regime. If you're new to walking, why not start with one of our shorter strolls?

Last Edited: 27 June 2024

photo of a location on the canals
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