You'll find hundreds of waste disposal and recycling facilities for waterway users along our canals and rivers.
Simpler recycling
New 'Simpler Recycling' legislation comes into effect in England on 31 March 2025. It means most businesses will have to arrange separate collections for different types of waste. The biggest change is that food waste will need to be separated from general waste and other recyclables. So, all our customer service points with waste facilities for boaters will have to provide separate bins for:
- Dry recyclables (paper, card, metal and plastics)
- Glass
- Food waste
- General waste
The bins will have large stickers applied to show what sort of waste should go in each one.
As you know, there are separate recycling facilities at many of our sites, but this legislation will ensure that every site throughout England will offer the same provision.
What should you expect?
As most businesses in England are having to introduce these changes at the same time, the scale of this means it is not possible for our waste contractors to deliver all of the bins at the same time to an individual site. We are waiting for delivery of over 500 new ones. Unfortunately this means that, throughout this period of transition, you may find that none, some, or all of the new bins are present when you arrive at a recycling and refuse point.
We understand the frustration of not knowing what to expect in advance and ask you to bear with us until all deliveries of the new bins are made. When possible, we will provide a progress update. When everything is complete, all Trust sites in England will be the same, although this could be later than 31 March.
When you come across a site with a new set of bins, please check that you put the right waste in the right bin, as it's likely to be different to what you're used to. More information can be found below. The mixed recycling should be clean (i.e. tins and pots rinsed), and anything that still has food waste on it should go in with the general waste.
Bin bags
- Black bin bags can only be used for general waste.
- Mixed recycling should be placed in the appropriate bin either loose or in clear plastic bags only.
- Food waste should be loose or in compostable bags (plant-based, not plastic).
The Simpler Recycling legislation does not change the current disposal methods for waste from separator toilets. For more information please see our website.
Like all organisations, we'll face financial penalties for waste that is not correctly separated. It's important that as much rubbish as possible goes in the right bin, so we really do need your help. It's vital that we all work together to keep these waste costs as low as possible, to ensure money doesn’t have to be diverted from the work to maintain our canals and rivers.
Choose your fender wisely
While natural rope fenders are available, most boats tend to have fenders made out of plastic, whether it's a balloon, pipe, cylindrical shape, corner, chubby, anchor or buoy. Unfortunately, whenever we drain a lock, we usually find a lot of lost fenders lurking at the bottom where they can block the lock mechanism and the propellers of passing boats.
A simple way to prevent your fenders adding to the plastic in the canal is to make sure you don't have them dangling when cruising, bow and stern fenders excepted. When your fenders are in use, normally only while moored up, ensure they are properly secured. Alternatively, why not consider changing to natural rope fenders?