For example:
- towpath improvements to provide an important sustainable transport route
- improvements in the quality of the green infrastructure network
- upgrades to or replacement of bridges, which constrain the development potential of an area
Our waterway infrastructure provides a public resource for walking and cycling and provides access to green infrastructure, both of which can benefit the wellbeing of communities.
Developments can also place additional liabilities and burdens onto the waterway infrastructure. Works to towpaths may be necessary to address the extra traffic resulting from a near-by development, or safety upgrades may be needed to our reservoirs as a direct result of development in the inundation zone.
If these opportunities are to be realised and the impacts mitigated planning policies and infrastructure delivery plans should address the funding of such works. Please contact us as we are happy to discuss whether infrastructure works to our network would be most appropriately funded via s106 or Community Infrastructure Levy. Below are some policy examples and our case studies illustrate these issues further.