Who to contact if you're worried
If you're a boater in need of help, or you're concerned about a boater who you think might be vulnerable and in need of help, please contact the boat licensing team directly or call 0303 040 4040.
Are you struggling to pay your boat licence or mooring fees?
If you are in financial difficulty or need advice on how you might pay a debt, contact a debt advisor. The following organisations offer free, impartial and non-judgemental advice:
- Citizens Advice, 03444 111 444 (England), 03444 772 020 (Wales), www.citizensadvice.org.uk
- Civil Legal Advice, 0345 345 4345, www.gov.uk/civil-legal-advice
- StepChange Debt Charity, Freephone 0800 138 1111, www.stepchange.org
- National Debtline, Freephone 0808 808 4000, www.nationaldebtline.org
- AdviceUK, 0300 777 0107, www.adviceuk.org.uk
- Christians Against Poverty, Freephone 0800 328 0006, www.capuk.org
- Debt Advice Foundation, Freephone 0800 043 40 50, www.debtadvicefoundation.org
Worried about heating costs over winter?
The cost of heating fuels is a real concern at the moment and we understand that some boaters are worried. This article has some heating tips and safety related guidance, as well as some information on government support that may be available to boaters. As always, if you're concerned, please contact the boat licensing team
Are you struggling in other ways?
The Trust works with support partners such as local health services, council departments or specialist charities, to point boaters to the help and advice available to them if they are identified as having a vulnerability such a suffering from poor mental health.
Our boat licence customer support team (BLCS) can work with you to help you find and get the support available from local authorities, who have a duty of care to provide adequate services (housing, social services, benefit advice etc), and/or other support agencies.
Colleagues spot where customers, and in particular boaters, may be vulnerable. Support is available to help stop boaters going through enforcement action purely because of vulnerability. Ultimately, we want all our customers to stay safe and enjoy our waterways so if you are struggling or know a boater who is struggling, please do get in touch with our team. You can also download our seeking advice factsheet.
Seek help from the right organisation
To check if you can claim benefits go to Turn2us.org or Entitledto.co.uk
If you are homeless or facing homelessness contact your local authority – use this checker to find your local authority. You can also call a local directory enquiry service to find your local authority.
Other free help or advice:
- Waterways Chaplaincy, emergency contact through contact form at www.waterwayschaplaincy.org.uk
- Shelter, 0808 800 4444, www.shelter.org.uk
- Samaritans, 116 123 , www.samaritans.org.uk
- Salvation Army, 0207 3674500, www.salvationarmy.org.uk
- Citizens Advice Bureau, 03444 111 444, www.citizensadvice.org.uk
- The Money Advice Service, 0300 500 5000, www.moneyadviceservice.org.uk
- Christians Against Poverty, 01274 760720, www.capuk.org
- Age UK, 0800 169 6565, www.ageuk.org.uk
- Gov UK, www.gov.uk
- Civil Legal Advice, 0345 345 4345, www.gov.uk/civil-legal-advice
- NHS - non emergency, 111 (Note: for emergency use 999)
- Silverline, 24hr helpline for older people 0800 470 8090
- Mind, www.mind.org.uk
- Mental Health Foundation, www.mentalhealth.org.uk
- NHS mental health www.nhs.uk/conditions/stress-anxiety-depression/mental-health-helplines/