What is canal adoption?
- Adopting your own stretch of waterway can mean signing up for simple tasks like regular litter picks or creating a new green space for your whole community to enjoy
- Adoption Agreements are a partnership with organisations of many differing types: residents associations, parish councils, sports clubs, health support services and many more
Finding your perfect fit
We'll help you figure out the perfect way to adopt, and give you the support you need along the way. Our three adoption types:
- Community adoption groups are asked to adopt one mile or more for a year and to volunteer at least once a month. This type of adoption best suits groups with more experience that are able to lead and manage their own activities
- Helping hands adoptions are great for groups that fancy adopting a smaller area and might need a bit of help getting going. We ask these groups to volunteer about once a month for a year
- Pocket adoptions are the mini adoption option, volunteering in the same area for five days in one go or over a few months. This adoption can be in a much smaller area and really suits people keen to improve an area close to home.