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The charity making life better by water

Two women jog along the towpath in an urban area, laughing, wearing 'Canal & River Trust' running vests.

Canalathon 2024

We’re over halfway through Canalathon and hundreds of you are taking on the challenge to walk or run 26.2 miles across the month of June.

Keep up the amazing work, we can’t wait to see what you’ll achieve together.

Sign-ups for Canalathon have now closed, if you would like to sign-up for Canalathon as a team please email [email protected]


  • Lucky first 200 participants to sign up will receive a free water bottle
  • Free pair of shoelaces when you get your first donation on your JustGiving page
  • Free running vest when you raise £100 or more
  • Medal for all those fundraisers who complete Canalathon

What is Canalathon?

Canalathon is our virtual fundraising challenge to complete 26.2 miles across the month of June. Walk or run, do it as a team or go solo – it’s your challenge. You choose.

Get active, get outdoors, enjoy the benefits of being by water, and raise as much money as you can to help keep canals alive.

How we'll support you

By signing up to Canalathon and committing to fundraise for us, we’ll support you every step of the way. You'll receive:

  • Canalathon fundraising pack full of ideas, inspiration and resources to help you smash your fundraising goal
  • Support via emails to make sure your fundraising journey a success
  • Rewards and incentives throughout your journey

Got questions? Read our Canalathon FAQs.

Your impact

Your fundraising will help us to keep canals alive, now and in the future.

Three volunteers planting trees by the canal

£100 helps nature flourish

Your fundraising could help plant 18 apple, pear or plum trees which blossom for insects in spring, and go on to produce fruit to feed birds, animals and people in autumn.

Chirk Aqueduct from below

£200 protects our heritage

The money you raise could help protect and ensure the long-term survival of our 200-year-old heritage structures, which have become more vulnerable in the face of climate change.

Cycling along the Regent's Canal

£300 makes cities greener

Your donations could help upgrade urban towpaths for walkers, runners and cyclists, providing greener ways to commute and exercise.

Get in touch

If you have a question or would like to chat about joining us for this event, just get in touch – we'll be happy to help! Email us at [email protected].

Registered with Fundraising Regulator

Last Edited: 21 June 2024

photo of a location on the canals
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