The development management checklist is split into the different sections below.
Protecting and safeguarding inland waterways for water resourcing purposes, including the need for water management, improving water quality, managing land drainage, and avoiding, reducing and managing flood risk:
- Development affecting an urban culvert
- Development affecting a rural culvert
- New marina in a reinstated canal arm
- For more information on new businesses see our boating business pages
- Surface water and airbourne pollution
- Pollution prevention on contaminated sites
Protecting and enhancing the heritage, natural environment and landscape character of inland waterways:
- Bats and lighting
- Conservation Area
- Development adjacent to a nature designation
- Development affecting a listed lock
- Informed change
- Landscaping in the city
Encouraging public access to and recreation use of inland waterways:
- Creating a new access to the towpath
- Improved natural surveillance
- Utilising the towpath as a sustainable route
- Also see our Creating successful waterside places page
Protecting and supporting the navigation of inland waterways and waterway-related tourism:
Safeguarding the safety and structural integrity of waterway infrastructure and the safety of users and neighbours:
- Breach following LPA non-consultation
- Development at the top of a cutting
- Excavation and loading affecting an embankment
- Major housing redevelopment at the toe of canal embankment
- Major redevelopment on top of an embankment wall
- New dwelling at toe of the embankment
- New dwelling on a cutting slope
- Reservoir inundation zone
Protecting the operational waterway infrastructure:
Protecting future restoration of redundant and derelict waterways and new waterway links where identified in the development plan:
Potential contribution of inland waterways to sustainable development and climate change:
- Utilising the towpath as a sustainable route
- Waterborne freight in an urban area
- Waterborne freight in a rural area
Planning obligation examples: