Waterway: Leeds & Liverpool Canal
Start point: Swing bridge by Tesco, L21 2PB
End point: Swing bridge by Tesco, L21 2PB
Distance: 6km
The route
1. Start at the swing bridge by Tesco. Walk under the road bridge and onto the towpath.
2. Walk along the towpath, passing under bridges.
3. Look out for wildlife along Rimrose Valley Park – cormorants, kestrels, barn owls, bats and even a pheasant.
4. When you get to Cookson's bridge, come off the towpath and walk along the road until you get to the entrance to Rimrose Valley. Walk along the paths back to Beach Road, the entrance to Rimrose Valley.
5. Walk down Beach Road. Turn into the road on the sixth left and walk past an open field down to the canal.
6. Turn right onto the towapth and walk back to Tesco.