Appearance: outside of the spawning season the male and female stickleback are very similar in colour and shape. However, come the spring the male develops a bright red throat and belly, and dazzling blue green eyes and flanks. The female becomes silvery and very plump.
British record: 4dms (British record committee 2015)
Lateral line scale count: Sticklebacks don't have proper scales and are usually smooth along the body or sometimes covered with bony plates.
Lifespan: 3 to 5 years
We like stickleback because: of childhood memories catching them in hand nets while pond-dipping in the local canal.
How to catch a stickleback
Once abundant, location is now key if you want to catch a stickleback. In shallow, weedy and clear water, careful observation will reveal this tiny fish. Your best chance will likely be with the use of a fine mesh landing net or children's dipping net. If you only have use of a rod and line, then an extremely fine approach is required. Lines of 6oz and hook sizes of 26-28 are required. Very small baits like squatts or very small pieces of red worm are a good choice.
Where to catch a stickleback
They can still be found in the clear canals of the Midlands and in small irrigation watercourses.