As we are all very aware these days, we’re losing a lot of our valuable wildlife habitat right across the country because of urbanisation, because of intensive forestry and agriculture, pollution, and so on. And what it means is that our 200 year old canals are becoming increasingly important for wildlife. You’ve only got to look at them, look at the mature hedgerow behind me. You’ve got the bankside vegetation, you’ve got the canal itself, and on the far shore, some mature trees. It’s invaluable for wildlife right across the country, but in particular, in our urban areas.
The Canal & River Trust, well, it looks after 2,000 miles of waterways like this, and they are now asking for your help. They’re asking you to take part in Tap That Habitat game and also the canal habitat survey, a huge citizen science project. And once they’ve gathered all that information, they’re then hoping to be able to identify the most valuable areas for wildlife, so they can better manage it for all of our threatened species.
So, please, do your bit to help canals and visit the Canal & River Trust website. Thank you very much for taking part.