The group of 30 students are giving their time to help us make the Coventry Canal a more welcoming and appealing place for visitors and wildlife.
The clean-up is the first in a number of activities being planned by us as we aim to play our part in making the canal better for local people. It comes after a group of local organisations, including the Trust, Coventry City Council, Coventry Canal Society and Living Environment Trust, agreed to work together to improve the canal running through the city.
The universities have got involved as part of Coventry Go Green Week and, during their time with us, the students will be helping to remove litter which not only looks bad but can be harmful to wildlife.
The students will be starting from Coventry Basin, working their way out of the city, and will even be getting afloat on one of our workboats to tackle litter and overhanging vegetation in hard to reach places.
Peter Mathews CMG, chair of our West Midlands Waterway Partnership said; "We're really committed to improving the canal running through Coventry and are delighted that students from the universities are rolling their sleeves up and helping out.
"By getting involved they'll be helping the Trust to make the canal a cleaner and more attractive place for visitors and wildlife. It's also great news that they're getting onto the water to tackle any overhanging vegetation as this will make it easier for boaters wanting to head into the city."
Helen Blunt, manager of Warwick Volunteers, University of Warwick said; “We are delighted to be working with the Canal & River Trust, Coventry University and Coventry City Council to run the biggest Go Green Week our region has ever seen and helping to clean up our green spaces.”