Appearance: the golden orfe is very distinct, not least by its colouring. It is similar in shape to a large roach, with a blunt snout, slightly upturned mouth and a white belly.
British record: 8lb 5oz (British record committee 2015)
Lateral line scale count: 56-61 (this is the dark row of scales along the central length of the fish's body)
Lifespan: 8 to 10 years
How to catch an orfe
Location is key as they tend to be isolated to areas in which they have been introduced. They can be caught throughout the water column but are common in the margins of water bodies and seem to be especially partial to chopped worm, although most common angling baits will catch. Orfe can grow fairly large so main lines of 3-4lb+ are required and hook sizes of 14-16 are a good starting point. One notable trait of the orfe is that these fish will try to jump out of a keepnet, and in most cases if the net mouth is not well above the water line they will escape.
Where to catch an orfe
Try sections of the Calder & Hebble Navigation.