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10 reasons to take up paddling

Canoeing is a great way to explore our waterways and get fit at the same time.

People enjoying canoeing

We work hard to support boats of all shapes and sizes on our canals and rivers because we believe life is better by water.

Here are ten reasons why you should take up a paddle sport.

1. There's nothing like exercise in the fresh air to make you feel good about yourself

From an epic adventure to a gentle paddle, being outside and close to nature can lower your stress levels, help you sleep better and make you a happier person overall.

2. You'll get closer to nature

Waterway wildlife is generally less shy around paddlers, so you'll spot things that walkers and cyclists rarely get to see.

3. You'll meet new and lovely people

Paddlers are a cheery bunch. It must have something to do with spending so much time outside. Most clubs have a thriving social scene and attract members of all ages and interests, so you're likely to widen your circle of friends.

4. You'll get stronger

Canoeing uses most of the muscles in your arms and shoulders. It's a brilliant activity for toning your upper body.

5. Paddling gives you something to look forward to

Whatever the day or week has thrown at you, imagine getting into a canoe and floating out onto perfectly still water where nothing else matters.

6. It's fun

Nearly two million people in Britain go canoeing each year. Have you ever seen a grumpy person paddling?

7. Everyone can get involved

Canoeing is a very accessible sport and is great for kids and adults alike. Spend some quality time outdoors with your favourite people and make great memories that will last them a life-time.

8. It's cheaper than you think

When you're starting out canoeing you don't need to go and buy all of the equipment at once. Many canoe clubs will offer free taster sessions and hire out equipment at very reasonable rates.

9. Paddling can be as extreme or gentle as you like

Whether you want to paddle along a calm canal or take on an adrenaline-inducing white water course, there really is something for everyone.

10. It will broaden your horizons

Once you've mastered the basics, one of the best things about paddling are the myriad of different places it can take you. Explore the canals and rivers in this country or set off to paddle the length of the Zambezi. The options are endless.

If we've inspired you to try canoeing and you want to take the next step, then find out how to get started.

Happy paddling!

Last Edited: 17 June 2024

photo of a location on the canals
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