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Double mooring etiquette

Some areas of our canal and river network are very popular and can get congested.

Cruising past moored boats Leicester Line Grand Union

To make the most of all available moorings it makes sense to double up where possible. Still, boaters are increasingly telling us that some people are being inconsiderate or reluctant to share the space.

So, what is good double-mooring etiquette? Here are a few ideas to get you started.

  • Check local signage

    Is double mooring prohibited in the location where you want to moor? If there are signs saying ‘no double mooring’, please don't do it. The signs wouldn't be there without good reason.

  • Double mooring means no more than double

    For your own safety, please don’t triple moor. In the event of a fire, it’s much harder to separate three or more boats. There will be occasional exceptions to this, for properly organised boat festivals and certain hire fleets on busy turnaround days, but generally, it’s a bad idea.

  • Are you causing an obstruction?

    A simple check as to whether or not it's ok to double up is to use your eyes and common sense.

    Check the width, check the sightlines, check how far you are from any bend, bridge hole, winding hole, lock landing, facilities moorings etc. If it looks like you could cause an obstruction, don't double moor.

    The actual shape of most canals is a dish: the edges are much shallower than the central channel. The main channel of deeper water is normally slightly closer to the towpath side. Too many boats moored up on the towpath side extending out into the deeper water can push passing boats onto the offside, where they may run aground. And if you’ve ever met oncoming craft in a tight spot, you’ll appreciate how important sightlines are.

    Our customer service team receive complaints every week regarding moored boats obstructing the safe navigation of other vessels. The main causes are triple mooring of narrow beam craft, wide beams on narrowboats (which is effectively triple mooring), and boats moored too close to bridge holes and on lock landings.

  • Inside or outside?

    It’s always a good idea to chat to the other boater and discuss the situation. If they are not around then please don’t move their boat without permission. Similarly, if you need to leave your boat for some reason, place an envelope with your phone number somewhere obvious on their boat so they can contact you if they need to.

    Boaters with mobility issues, or who have small children and need to get pushchairs or buggies on and off the boat, or boaters with dogs that need to access the bank easily to do their business, should preferably be moored on the inside. Others might appreciate the enhanced security of being the outside boat.

    If none of the above apply, then the boater leaving the mooring site last should be moored on the inside to make it easier for the one leaving first to depart.

    Finally, if the boats are different lengths you need to work out if access for both parties is safer with either the longer or the shorter boat on the inside. Of course, a GRP cruiser should only ever be on the outside of a steel boat.

  • Bank not boat

    Tie to the bank, not the inside boat, but ensure that your ropes do not chafe their paintwork. Use your own pins, or tie to rings or bollards if available, but never tie up with your centre line. You are both less likely to come adrift if you’re properly secured independently.

    Also, in the event of an emergency such as flood, fire or sinking, it's much easier to move boats to safety if they aren't all tied together into one large raft.

  • Smoke and fumes

    When mooring up, consider where your engine and/or generator exhausts are positioned relative to the other boats as you don't want to fill them up with toxic fumes. Be very careful about fumes from your solid fuel stove entering other boats.

    Use your stove wisely and efficiently. Every year boaters die or become seriously ill as a result of carbon monoxide poisoning.

  • Privacy matters

    Boaters are generally an open, friendly and welcoming community but most people also like a bit of privacy. Try to avoid mooring window to window.

    Some people feel it's good manners for the outside boat to close their curtains on the side facing the other boat and, if it's not swelteringly hot, to also close the windows to reduce noise.

  • What do we do about badly moored boats?

    We have options as to how we may deal with boats that are causing an obstruction or danger. These include moving boats under section 8(5) of the British Waterways Act 1983 or taking action under the boat licence terms and conditions. However, we would prefer to educate our customers about the importance of not causing an obstruction. Please think before you stop.

A sign in a boat porthole says 'Welcome to moor alongside'.

Top tips from boaters

  • No triple mooring
  • Display a friendly ‘welcome to moor alongside’ sign in your boat window and avoid mooring in congested areas if you are not comfortable with double mooring
  • Approach slowly with plenty of fenders down and try to attract the attention of the moored boat to ask permission to come alongside
  • Tie to pins or rings, not the inside boat, and don’t use your centre line
  • Make sure movement between boats is limited and use plenty of fenders to prevent damage to both boats. Remember, GRP cruisers outside, steel boats inside
  • Always try to make contact with your double-moored neighbour and swap contact details and plans for moving on
  • Look out for boaters with a need for easy bank access (disability, small children, dogs)
  • Be considerate of fumes, exhaust emissions and noise
  • Don't step on the roof of the other boat and only walk along the gunwales of your own boat
  • Close curtains and windows to maintain privacy
  • Don't move a boat that isn't yours without permission

Last Edited: 05 February 2025

photo of a location on the canals
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