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The charity making life better by water

Achievements and progress

Below you can view our main achievements and progress across this project.

We are nearing the end of the delivery phase for the towpath and canalside parks improvements, although wellbeing activities will continue and you will see some improvements being completed this summer.

Towpath Improvements

1km of towpath improvements is complete between Norwood Road (Wolf Bridge) and Norwood Top Lock (Glade Lane Bridge) installing a wider smoother surface for all weathers. This includes a new accessible path connecting Havelock Road across Havelock Road green space to the canal, a new ramped access to the towpath at Willowbrook Road and access improvements at Bixley Field, Maypole Dock and Norwood Top Lock.

New ramp with metal railsWild flowers along a towpath by the canal

A new wetland at Glade Lane Canalside Park

The new wetland habitat at Glade Lane Canalside Park is underway in its final phase, completing paths, benches and planting, following an extremely wet Spring where waterlogged conditions delayed ground works.

Weeds and wild daisys surrounding pond

Community Garden at Norwood Bottom Lock, Glade Lane Canalside Park

In May 2023 we held Southall's first canalside Community Archaeological Dig on the site of the former lock keepers cottage at Norwood Bottom Lock (Lock 91), run by Dig Ventures and supported by 64 members of the community with 214 hours of their time over three days to dig and help discover more about the lost cottage, its outbuildings and its garden.

Two people smiling and brushing the ground

Our teams are now on site creating the structures of the community garden with a new path and steps into the park, a decorative pergola, planters, bike parking and water collection. Then we’re ready to plant – keep an eye out on our What's On page to get involved!

Southall Community Garden design snip

Havelock Road Canalside Space

At Havelock Road Canalside Space installations are complete with new play elements, exercise equipment, seating, community planters, improved fencing, the new path to the canal towpath, an orchard of apple trees, a hedge of roses and some wildflower areas to support pollinators.

If you’d like to make use of the four community planters, keep an eye out on our What's On page to get involved soon.

Norwood Top Lock

At Norwood Top Lock the new towpath and lock landing surfacing is complete along with the new bike parking and improved fencing. We’ve installed a living green wall to introduce biodiversity and improve the appearance of the boater bin store and planted trees that will eventually grow tall and provide additional shade.

Some musical play elements and further planters are coming soon, and the historic bridge will be getting a face-lift – you can get involved in this restoration project – see our What's On page.

Exercise trail

All along the Wellbeing Way there are opportunities to get active at whatever pace suits you; just going for a walk or a bike ride, or why not try out the new outdoor exercise equipment installed at Regina Road, Havelock Road Canalside Space and Glade Lane Canalside Park as part of your walk. You could make it a gym trail, and there are more outdoor gyms to try out at Spikes Bridge Park, Southall Recreation Ground, Glade Lane Canalside Park and Southall Park.

You can find out more about the Let’s Go Southall programme of outdoor gym classes, other activities, and more on our What's On page too.

Trimming and planting

Over winter 2022/3 vegetation trimming was undertaken along the entire route of the Southall Wellbeing Way to improve space and visibility and prepare for more wildlife-friendly planting.

80m of new native hedgerow has been planted with the help of members of the community at Bankside and at Williams Road with 1300 hedge plants. This has also helped reduce antisocial behaviour in these locations. 77 new trees have been planted to support wildlife, add orchard trees and provide additional shade. 1150 wildflower bulbs have been planted, 3 wildflower meadows have been sown, and 1000 aquatic plants have been installed in a new floating habitat by Norwood Road bridge.

Southall Wellbeing Way planting montage

Look out for opportunities to get involved in planting at the community garden spaces this summer and at Bankside in early autumn.

Canal & River Trust logo, Ealing Government logo, Let's go Southall logo and Catalyst logo

Last Edited: 09 July 2024

photo of a location on the canals
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