Update: May 2021
Since we completed the initial engagement in January 2021, we have undertaken further work with key stakeholders. Our Navigation Advisory Group, mooring sub group and elected boater reps on the Trust's Council have helped us explore broad options for how the busy London waterways could be managed. In February/March we commissioned facilitated engagement with liveaboard boaters on the London waterways to better understand their reasons for living afloat, and their day-to-day experiences on the water. A summary of this engagement can be seen here.
Update: April 2021
In April we published proposals for Water Safety Zones (WSZ) on the Lee. We are now focussing on carrying out further engagement with stakeholders on the Lee before we agree a way forward for the WSZ pilot and will conclude this before we publish further proposals to manage boats on London's busy waterways. A further discussion of options for managing London's busy waterways will be published in autumn 2021, with the aim of starting a formal consultation before the end of the year. This will avoid carrying out a big consultation during the summer months, when many people would prefer to be out enjoying the waterways.
Update: January 2021
We've now completed the initial engagement phase, which started in October 2020, where we asked for your views on how we should manage areas of high demand. Your responses are being read through and summarised. We have compiled a list of FAQs from the virtual engagement sessions. We'll explain details of the next phase on this page shortly.