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The charity making life better by water

Family stand on scaffolding in a drained lock as a Canal & River Trust volunteer explains the works

Winter Open Days 2024/25

Our skilled teams and volunteers protect canals all year round. But in winter some incredible feats of engineering take place. Now's your chance to see canals as you never have before.

You're invited

This winter we're offering you the chance to visit one of our Open Days and learn more about how we repair and care for canals. We've already hosted one at Leeds Lock which took place in November and Caen Hill, near Devizes in February but we have one more confirmed at Hatton in Warwickshire which will take place 15 and 16 February. We'd love to see you there.

Set foot where visitors aren't usually allowed and explore the bottom of a drained lock. Or watch our specialist teams at work as they restore heritage features and monitor the wildlife and habitats our canals support. You'll also meet our experts and volunteers to hear more about the important work we do to #KeepCanalsAlive.

photo of a location on the canals
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