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The charity making life better by water

Arthur, supporting the future of canals with a gift in his Will

Man smiling on the towpath next to a narrowboat moving along the canal

As a young angler, and a canoeist, walker and cyclist in later years, canals have always played a special part in Arthur's life.

A longstanding Friend of the Trust, Arthur has made a decision to continue his support with a gift in his will, helping to ensure future generations can enjoy the waterways as much as he has.

Arthur's words

As a young boy I fished on the Rochdale Canal, north of Manchester. It was shallow and weedy, but we caught some perch and roach. I didn't think how or why the canal was there, I just assumed it had always been there - and always would be!

Later in life I lived near the Bridgewater Canal, and often canoed, walked and cycled along it, and by then I understood what the canals had been, and what they still are, all about.

One day, when out with my walking group, our route took us to the Anderton Boat Lift. There was a lady telling me my help was needed to preserve our canals and rivers. So, as our walking group routes often involve towpaths, I happily signed up, and I am still a Friend today.

In June I recently came back to Anderton Boat Lift for an event to meet other Friends and hear more about the work of the Trust. I've decided to continue my support with a gift in my will. It's a great way to help ensure future generations can enjoy our canals and waterways as much as I have.

photo of a location on the canals
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