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The charity making life better by water

Low water Levels - River Ouse downstream of Linton lock

Starts: 23 July 2024 04:15 pm

Ends: On-going

Type: Advice

Reason: Water resources

Is the towpath closed? No


Closest waterwayRiver Ouse
Starts atLinton Lock
Ends atLinton Lock


13/02/2025 11:37

We are currently experiencing very low water levels in the River Ouse downstream of Linton Lock and siltation build up.

Skippers to proceed with caution when approaching the downstream section at Linton Lock:

Vessels travelling upstream to Linton Lock must follow the right-hand bank to find the deepest channel.

Vessels travelling downstream of Linton Lock must follow the left-hand bank to find the deepest channel

The marker buoys have been realigned. Boaters are requested to stay within the main channels to avoid running aground.


We are currently experiencing very low water levels in the River Ouse downstream of Linton Lock and siltation build up.

Skippers to proceed with caution when approaching the downstream section at Linton Lock:

Vessels travelling upstream to Linton Lock must follow the right-hand bank to find the deepest channel.

Vessels travelling downstream of Linton Lock must follow the left-hand bank to find the deepest channel

We will be realigning the current marker buoys in the coming weeks, depending on river flows.

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