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footpath from the Secret Garden (Bridge 71) to Bridge 71a (Railway Bridge) closed until further notice.

Starts: 19 July 2024 11:45 am

Ends: On-going

Type: Towpath Closure

Reason: (Re)Construction

Is the towpath closed? No


Closest waterwayGrand Union Canal
Starts atBridge 71
Ends atBridge 71A (Railway)


Footpath closure in Old Wolverton. The footpath that leads from the Secret Garden (Bridge 71) ending at Bridge 71a (Railway Bridge) is closed until further notice. This closure is due to an imminent failure of the wall that runs alongside the pathway. The structure is not owned by The Canal and River Trust, and the owners of the wall are aware. Once the structure is deemed safe the pathway will reopen. Please use the Towpath on the opposite side that remains open.

photo of a location on the canals
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