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The charity making life better by water

Hillmorton Lock 2 & 3 - 6 & 7, Oxford Canal

Starts: 12 August 2022 04:00 pm

Ends: 7 November 2022 08:00 am inclusive

Type: Navigation Restriction

Reason: Water resources

Is the towpath closed? No


Closest waterwayOxford Canal
Starts atLock 2, Hillmorton Bottom Lock (Tp)
Ends atLock 7, Hillmorton Top Lock (Os)
Upstream winding holeBridge 74 OX-027-005
Downstream winding holeBridge 53 OX-020-017


03/11/2022 09:00

Due to increased water levels, we no longer need to have a restriction at Hillmorton locks. These will cease being locked from Monday, 7th November 2022.

26/08/2022 09:20

Change to restricted hours:

Please be advised that, from Friday 9th September, passage through the locks will 08:00 - 16:00 daily until further notice.


Due to low water levels, restrictions on lock opening times will need to be in place.

The opening times will be 6:30 - 16:00. The last boat through will be 16:00 and the lock will be closed at 17:00

Boaters wanting to pass through Hillmorton flight are advised to leave plenty of time to navigate through the flight before 17:00.

After a relatively dry late spring and summer, levels in reservoirs are lower than normal for the time of year. In order to maximise the available water the Trust is taking the sensible precaution of locking targeted locks up overnight.

This measure is intended to reduce the potential for water losses overnight. We will continue to monitor our reservoir storage and canal opening hours with a view to keeping disruption to a minimum whilst balancing a need to save water.

Thank you for your patience.

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