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The charity making life better by water

Regent's Canal - Maida Vale Tunnel

Starts: 10 April 2019 10:00 am

Ends: 15 April 2019 09:00 am inclusive

Type: Advice

Reason: Police Incident

Is the towpath closed? Yes


Closest waterwayRegent's Canal
Starts atBridge 2, Lisson Grove Bridge
Ends atMaida Hill Tunnel North East Portal


There will be divers present in the Regent's Canal between the north east entrance to the Maida Vale Tunnel and Lisson Grove Moorings from Wednesday the 10th of April until Monday the 15th of April 2019.

Waterway users are advised to exercise caution when exiting the Maida Vale Tunnel to prevent collisions with the diving teams present.

Dive flags and markers will be visible and staff will present to direct where required.

photo of a location on the canals
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