02/07/2019 15:51
Please be advised the canal will be closed on the 21st June 2018 at Bridge 46, Bevans Lane Bridge due to Third Party Work.
The winding hole at Solomon's Bridge can take craft up to 45 feet (13.71 metres) all larger craft should turn in Pontymoile Basin
Please note that's this is on Torfaen Councils section of canal and not the canal and River Trusts.
We will update the website with information as soon as we have it.
If you require any further assistance please contact the Gloucester Dock office on either:
enquiries.walessouthwest@canalrivertrust.org.uk or 03030 404040
31/07/2018 09:56
Please note that's this is on Torfaen Councils section of canal and not the canal and River Trusts.
If you require any further assistance please contact the Gloucester Dock office on either:
enquiries.southwalessevern@canalrivertrust.org.uk or 03030 404040