The next clean-ups are planned for Monday 5 and Wednesday 7 May from 10am – 3pm and people of all ages and abilities are invited to lend a hand to spruce up their local waterway. All equipment will be provided and volunteers should wear old clothes that they don't mind getting a bit muddy.
The work is part of our Towpath Taskforce volunteering project, which encourages people to come out, get their hands dirty and help protect some of the Warwickshire's most important industrial heritage and wildlife habitat. The Taskforce provides regular volunteering opportunities and aims to bring significant benefits to waterside communities and the canals and rivers that flow through them.
Hive of activity
The teams meet regularly and are open to everybody, so that people can take on more ownership of their local waterway. Projects include painting lock gates, improving access to the towpath, clearing overgrown vegetation, cleaning up litter and graffiti and helping wildlife by building nest and bat boxes and planting reed beds.
Peter Mathews CMG, chair of the West Midlands waterways partnership for the Canal & River Trust, said: “Warwickshire's waterways are a real hive of activity with a whole variety plants and animals living along it. There are some areas though that do need a little work as they look a little untidy or messy so if everyone living near the waterways could spare a few hours and help us tidy up this stretch of waterway it will make a massive different to those that live nearby and make the canal a much nicer place to visit.”
The meeting point is at our offices at Hatton, Canal Lane, Hatton, Warwick CV35 7JL