We're on the lookout for people interested in volunteering at the locks in Camden Market, helping passing boaters, welcoming visitors and giving a hand to the Trust's teams in maintaining the canal.
The volunteers will help to keep the historic tradition of lock-keeping alive along the canal, where lock keepers have been part of waterway life for hundreds of years.
Full training provided
Full training is provided and people of all ages and experiences are encouraged to apply. Volunteer lock keepers work on a shift basis throughout the year, typically a minimum of one day per fortnight, with busier periods expected between April-October.
Peigi Mackay, who has volunteered as a lock keeper in Camden for three years, said: “I grew up in London and the canal was an area for adventure and walks away from traffic. So when the opportunity came to share that enthusiasm for my local area with boaters, walkers and visitors to Camden Market I took it.
"I like being outdoors, doing some physical work and talking to the many people of all ages who are intrigued by the workings of the lock and the slow, stately passage of the boats as they rise and fall through the three locks of the flight near Camden Market.”
Applications for the role are open until 29 January. Find out more at canalrivertrust.org.uk/volunteer or call 0303 0404040.