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Thousands of fish rescued from pollution in the Grand Union Canal

Together with MEM Fisheries and the Environment Agency, we've rescued over 100,000 fish from the Grand Union Canal, Leicester Line after farm slurry polluted a seven mile stretch of this popular waterway.

Water is now being released from Saddington Reservoir and pumped from the River Sence to help break down and dilute the pollution within the water. Pumps, acting as aerators, are also being used to increase the oxygen levels in the water and prevent any more fish from dying.

Safely relocated

John Ellis, national angling and fisheries manager for the Canal & River Trust, said: “Thankfully we have managed to save a huge number of fish from this stretch of canal and have safely relocated them into fresh clean water outside the pollution area.

“This incident was totally avoidable and sadly we have had tens of thousands of fish die as a result of this pollution. It's thanks to the enormous efforts of our fish rescue team and the Environment Agency that has prevented even more of our native fish species from being killed and the entire local fish population from being completely wiped out.”

The canal is still closed to boaters between KibworthTop Lock and Kilby Bridge.

Last Edited: 15 January 2015

photo of a location on the canals
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