The groups have been working together on a variety of restoration and enhancement projects in recent years, helping to bring the 9.5-mile Pocklington Canal to life for boaters, towpath users and wildlife, and now they are looking for more people to get involved.
Volunteers should like meeting and talking to people, enjoy being outdoors, and have lots of enthusiasm. There are two types of volunteer role available – leading guided walks, and welcoming visitors at the information centre at Canal Head.
Anyone interested should go along to the open afternoon on Sunday 4 March from 12pm to 4pm, at Canal Head. There will be a guided walk at 1pm, which everyone is invited to attend and will be particularly useful to those interested in becoming a volunteer walk leader.
Lizzie Dealey, our Pocklington Canal project officer said: "As a charity, Canal & River Trust works hard to ensure that waterways benefit local communities, and we know that volunteering can have hugely positive impacts, helping people make new friends, learn new skills and get active.
"Pocklington Canal is a real gem in the Yorkshire landscape and is enjoyed by people and wildlife in so many ways. We need volunteers to give up just a bit of their spare time to help showcase the waterway to visitors and keep it thriving."
Tim Charlson of Pocklington Canal Amenity Society added: "Since PCAS was formed in 1969 we have enjoyed many successes in restoring and re-opening sections of the Pocklington Canal, but we can't do this without our dedicated supporters.
"Anyone can get involved as a volunteer, and in addition to walk leaders and welcome volunteers, we're always in need of people to assist with practical tasks such as bridge and lock repairs, habitat management and litter picking."
This year, Pocklington Canal celebrates its bicentenary, with a whole host of events and activities taking place over the coming months. Volunteers will be a vital part of the celebrations, helping to ensure visitors get a warm welcome and know where to find the various attractions.
Highlights of the programme include:
- Oral history workshop on 13 March – share your experiences of the Pocklington Canal and be part of this exciting heritage exhibition.
- Easter activities on 1 and 2 April – build a nest, join the nature trail and take a trip aboard the passenger boat New Horizons.
- Archaeology workshop on 22nd April – help sort recent finds and see how to be part of the next dig in July.
- Heritage open day on 20 May – step back into the canal's past with interactive activities.
- Wildlife sessions between May and September – learn how to identify species of trees, birds, bugs, pondlife, bats and more.
- Nature open day on 24 June – take a guided walk, try kayaking and build a bird box.
- Bicentenary festival and boat rally on 28 and 29 July – a whole weekend of activities for all the family.