SUP Yoga & Fitness has been working with us to help clear floating rubbish from local waterways.
The group runs regular floating yoga sessions on water across the East Midlands including the River Trent, Nottingham Beeston Canal and Grand Union Canal. Concerned about the litter that they saw during their sessions the group has started working with us to carry out regular clean ups to help tackle the problem.
On Saturday 10th February the group worked on a mile-long stretch of the canal from Beeston Lock towards Nottingham city centre, helping to clear 20 large bin bags of litter and plastics.
The sessions give people the chance to try paddleboarding whilst also helping to clear rubbish from the water and areas which are hard to reach by land.
Wayne Ball, our volunteer development coordinator said; "Litter can be a real blight on our waterways, it's harmful to wildlife and spoils the tranquil, attractive environment.
"As a charity it's fantastic when a group like SUP Yoga & Fitness comes forward and offers to help with our work and we're really grateful for their support. The paddleboards are great as they enable the team to get into all those hard to reach places.
"Ultimately we wish people would take more care with their rubbish but it's heartening that there are others out there who want to help keep our local waterways special."
Cassie Paxton from SUP Yoga & Fitness, said; "We have some beautiful stretches of waterways in the UK and we are very privileged to be able to see the world from the water. We are proud to be a part of a community of like-minded people who care about the environment. Our monthly litter picks are our opportunity to give back, to work together with new friends and old and to give some love to the great outdoors."