The changes provide greater clarity so that all boaters know what is expected, and can be clear about what they are signing up to.
The changes to the terms and conditions are supported by the IWA, RBOA and AWCC as well as the Trust's Navigation Advisory Group which comprises boaters with a variety of backgrounds to bring as broad a range of perspectives as possible to decision making.
Clear and effective approach
Ian Rogers, head of customer service at the Canal & River Trust, comments: “There have been boat licence terms and conditions in, more or less, this form since at least the early 1970s, and they have been through many revisions over the years to keep up with changing times.
“We believe that most boaters accept that we need a clear and effective approach to manage and operate the waterways so that everyone can enjoy them, being fair to all users. It is up to the Trust to make clear what is expected of all boaters when they come on to the system, and this is what the terms and conditions set out to do.”
The revised terms and conditions take into account feedback received from boaters following publication of the draft changes. The subsequent amendments made, together with the finalised licence terms & conditions are available on our site's boat licensing pages.
Ian continues: “We have listened to the feedback we've had, and have modified the changes we are making in a few areas. We will continue to listen to our users and to be as clear as we can about what we require from boaters, given our understanding of the law, so that we make it possible for as many people as possible to enjoy the waterways - whilst we also invest increasing amounts in their care.”
The Inland Waterways Association comments: “IWA want to see the waterways managed so that everybody gets a fair chance to enjoy them and we recognise the need for changes to Canal & River Trust's terms and conditions to help them achieve this.”The Residential Boat Owners' Association comments: “RBOA welcome these changes to the terms and conditions which we believe will help the Trust to manage the waterways effectively for the benefit of all compliant users.”