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Knottingley canalside transformed

A project aimed at transforming part of Knottingley’s canalside has been completed.

A man planting on the Aire & Calder towpath

The project has seen new outdoor gym equipment installed, walkways improved and a popular canalside garden revitalised.

The works have transformed the amphitheatre area alongside the Aire & Calder Navigation and created a tranquil, attractive place for local people to enjoy a wide range of activities.

As well as the outdoor gym equipment local people can now enjoy improved woodland pathways and seating areas. New signage has also recently been installed giving visitors information on the area's waterways.

Freda's garden

The popular ‘Freda's garden' has also been replanted with ornamental, native and nectar-rich species to encourage bees and pollinating insects. The garden was cared for by a celebrated local volunteer, Freda, for many years before ill health forced her to stop.

A volunteer group, the Friends of Freda's Garden, has recently adopted this stretch of towpath and will help to keep the garden looking good now that it has been given a new lease of life.

The works have been carried out by Groundwork Wakefield, helped by around 40 junior soldiers from Harrogate Army Foundation College and the Friends of Freda's Garden. Funding has come through a £47,100 grant awarded by WREN's FCC Community Action Fund. WREN is a not-for-profit business that awards grants for community, biodiversity and heritage projects from funds donated by FCC Environment through the Landfill Communities Fund.


Jane Thomson, enterprise manager for the Canal & River Trust said; “The canalside in Knottingley is looking amazing and we really hope that local people will enjoy having a nice spot to escape to.

“Whether you're after a waterside workout or just a place to sit and watch the wildlife then the canal is a great place to go. We're really grateful for the help and support of WREN and what's been great about this project is the wide range of people that have been involved. Together they've really helped to make a difference for the people living and working nearby.”

Last Edited: 18 April 2016

photo of a location on the canals
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