The insect hotels are made of bamboo and have been hung in trees along the Ribble Link which connects the Lancaster Canal to the rest of England and Wales' historic canal network. The new hotels, which were installed with help from volunteers, provide important habitat and shelter for the array of different insects along the waterway.
Funding was secured thanks to public support for a £2,500 fundraising appeal which paid for the materials to create the insect hotels as well as a range of new bird and bat boxes. In addition, new black poplar trees, plants and other wildflowers will enrich and transform the area into a hot spot for wildlife and nature lovers alike.
Community spirited supporters
Matt Taylor, volunteer coordinator for the Canal & River Trust, said: “With the help of some community spirited supporters, we have been able to give the area a wildlife makeover creating a haven for bees, birds and butterflies. The Ribble Link is a beautiful place for both humans and wildlife to enjoy and this work will help protect the rich biodiversity of the area.”
In support of the project a further £2,000 has been donated by Lancashire County Council which will help provide wider landscaping work, habitat creation and better visitor interpretation.