The activities are being funded by Hebden Royd Town Council and run by Oakapple Environmental, who specialise in outdoor learning, natural crafts and forest schools.
Claire Teague, from the Canal & River Trust said: “These family friendly events are aimed at getting people to come to discover the fantastic and wonderful array of bugs, birds or beasties along the canal. Being out alongside the canal, enjoying some exercise is a great way to spend some quality time with family and friends and, best of all, it's all right on your doorstep.”
Take a closer look
Laura Vayro of Oakapple said: “There is a wide variety of wildlife - birds, mammals, trees and plants - all along the canal and taking part in these nature walks will encourage people to take a closer look at what is out there on their doorstep through collecting, craft and spotting activities.”
Booking is required for the free canal walks and activities. Please contact Laura from Oakapple Environmental on 07894 572171 to book any of the following activities:
- Sunday 20th September - Wildlife on our Doorstep
- Saturday 3rd October - Seed Collecting
- Sunday 18th October - Autumn Colours
- Monday 26th October - Canal I Spy
South Pennine Ring Canal Festival runs from Easter to October each year, with a wide range of events for all, including walks, talks, lantern parades, canoe and angling taster sessions, bike rides, nature discovery sessions, boat rides, heritage & arts activities and much more.
Our aim is to encourage as many people as possible to enjoy and learn about their local canal.