We're working with Warwickshire and West Mercia Community Rehabilitation Company to carry out environmental improvement work along an important section of the dry canal.
This is a trial project, which forms part of the Heritage Lottery Fund-backed development phase of the canal restoration. Ten supervised sessions will allow the Trust to gauge the effectiveness of this new approach and may form part of the ongoing restoration project for years to come.
Benefit the whole community
Howard Griffiths, waterway supervisor from the Canal & River Trust said: “This type of outdoor, environmental improvement work is ideal as a community payback scheme. It offers participants the chance to learn valuable work skills and is a highly cost-effective way to improve the canal towpath and hedgerows for the benefit of the whole community.”
Sarah Lalieu, Canal & River Trust enterprise manager added: “We are delighted to be working with CRC to deliver improvement to the canal corridor for the benefit of local people and visitors. If this pilot is successful we will look to extend it to cover other locations in the future."