Following the success of the 2016 event and with the promise of a star-studded final line up on the Erewash Canal on Saturday 21 October 2017, in partnership with Angling Trust, we are now asking angling clubs to suggest canal venues for the 2018 event.
The championship will consist of 16qualifying heats:
- One in each of our 10 waterway units
- One each in Wales, Scotland and Ireland
- One on a canal not owned or operated by us
- Two heats in high demand locations as determined by the organising committee
In order to host a qualifying event a venue must meet the following criteria:
- Availability of 100 pegs split into two sections of 50 (which may be on two canals in close proximity)
- A match headquarters that can be used pre and post-match including for food availability
- Good car parking and towing path access
- A non-fishing event organiser who takes total responsibility for advance promotion and organisation on the day (Canal & River Trust or Angling Trust officers will not normally be present at the qualifiers)
- Up to four teams of weigh-in stewards
- Provision by the organisers of adequate weigh scales
Qualifiers may be held on either a Saturday or Sunday between 23 June and Sunday 7 October 2018 with the final being held on Saturday 20 or 27 October 2018.
John Ellis, our national fisheries and angling manager said; "Since the first Canal Pairs Championships in 2014 this event has just gone from strength to strength and the final in October should be a great day.
"As a charity we see these championships as a chance for people to rediscover the fantastic angling that can be enjoyed on their local canal. We would encourage clubs wanting to be a part of next year's event to get their applications in and help us to show just how good their stretch of canal is."
David Kent, National Chair of Competitions at the Angling Trust, said; "This competition is clear evidence of the increasing collaborations between the Canal & River Trust and Angling Trust particularly with competitions. It has become the top canal event on the angling calendar not least because it gives every angler the chance to have a go on their local canal to qualify for the Grand Final.
"The Erewash has a pretty good record when hosting National Championships and I feel sure the Pairs finalists will not be disappointed when they compete for the big money in October"
The closing date for applications is Friday 13 October 2017. Clubs must complete the application form Canal pairs application 2018 and return by email to [email protected]. Successful applicants will be notified shortly after the closing date and the qualifying and final venue will be announced at the final of the 2017 canal pairs championship.