As part of the Forging Ahead project, we are taking important steps to protect and enhance the Yard’s natural environment, ensuring it supports a thriving ecosystem while maintaining its rich heritage.
Fields and surrounding habitat
The fields adjacent to Ellesmere Yard offer a vital opportunity for ecological enhancement. As part of the project, we aim to introduce measures that will create a more habital environment for local wildlife, including:
- Bird nesting sites: Installing bird boxes across the fields will provide safe nesting spaces for native bird species, including owls and swifts. Careful placement and monitoring of these boxes will help ensure that they attract key species.
- Bat habitats: To support the existing bat population, we will install bat boxes and protect roosting spots in both the fields and buildings. Bats, as natural insect controllers, play an important role in maintaining ecological balance.
- Biodiversity corridors: By enhancing the hedgerows and riparian zones along the canal and fields, we aim to create corridors that promote biodiversity and provide safe passage for wildlife.
Buildings as homes for wildlife
Many of the historic buildings at Ellesmere Yard have become important habitats for local species:
- Roosting bats: Some of the Yard’s old structures, including the workshop lofts and chimneys, have been identified as important roosting sites for bats. As part of the development, these areas will be carefully preserved and enhanced to protect the species that call them home.
- Bird roosts: The buildings have also become a refuge for certain bird species, such as swallows and sparrows, that nest within the eaves and beams. Through the Forging Ahead project, we will ensure these nesting sites are protected during any construction work.