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Rugby Radio Station Link Road Bridge Canal Crossing, near Clifton on Dunsmore, Oxford Canal

Starts: 19 November 2018 08:00 am

Ends: 23 November 2018 04:00 pm inclusive

Type: Navigation Restriction

Reason: 3rd Party Works

Is the towpath closed? Yes


Closest waterwayOxford Canal
Starts atBridge 66, Clifton Road
Ends atBridge 68, Noels Bridge
Upstream winding holeClifton Arm Junction
Downstream winding holeBridge 70, Grathams Bridge


08/11/2018 13:47

Third party contractors constructing the Rugby Radio Station Link Road Canal bridge will mount a crane along the western bank to facilitate lifting and installation of pre-cast concrete beams onto abutments to form the deck of the new bridge over the Oxford Canal.

Originally it was expected this work would take place during night time closures. However, concerns over the impact on local residents has resulted in a change of plan. These works will now take place during the day under local restrictions. Please also be aware of the revised dates.

During the lifting operations, boats will be held up briefly under a Stop/Go operation to ensure the works can be undertaken safely.

Canal boaters should expect minor delays of up to one hour as they pass by the works. However, the canal navigation will still remain open.

The towpath will still remain closed with a short diversion in place.

19/09/2018 15:04

The Third Party contractors have requested a change of dates for this night time only closure.

They require consecutive night stoppages (between 9pm and 7am) to lift the bridge beams and deck into place for the new road bridge and to carry out associated works.

We have restricted this to night time working only and so the navigation will not be affected during the day.

The start and end dates of these works are now within the normal winter stoppage period.


Third Party contractors installing the new road bridge require consecutive night stoppages (between 9pm and 7am) to lift the new bridge beams and deck into place and to carry out associated works.

Please note the start date of these works is outside the normal winter stoppage dates but we have restricted this to night time working only and so the navigation will not be affected during the day.

photo of a location on the canals
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