Cafwin Cruises Narrowboat Holidays Ltd

Inspire romance and indulge in the idyllic waterways of Worcestershire, Warwickshire and Gloucestershire in luxurious style on truly beautiful narrowboats unlike any other seen on the water, including the first electric hybrid narrowboat to hire on the main network. A holiday aboard a rental boat on a historic stretch of the British canal network is one of the greatest pleasures boating has to offer. While various sun-chasing holidays abroad can leave you even more exhausted than you were at the start, a good canal holiday has you sucking in restorative air, smiling at people you would usually ignore and marvelling at how your heart rate appears to have halved. After just a couple of hours, you find yourself sidestepping the ferocious pace of modern life, and easing along at a couple of knots with nothing on your mind but the water, the scenery and the thought of that pub that awaits you just around the next corner.


Hanbury Rd

Droitwich Spa