Hollingwood Hub

Hollingwood Hub is the home of the Chesterfield Canal Trust. It has seven parts.

  1. The offices of the Trust are in the old Hollingwood Lock House.

  2. Katey’s Coffee Shop.

  3. Our Information Centre & Shop.

  4. Cruises on our tripboat Madeline.

  5. Paddlesports hire run by CJB Training & Adventure.

  6. The garden which is tended by our volunteers.

  7. The car park which can hold 60 cars comfortably.

The public parts of the building are fully accessible; there are two toilets for the disabled. The towpath is built to Access for All standards.

There is a defibrillator on the outside wall.

We run boat trips on Madeline every Saturday from April to October departing from the Hub, plus midweek trips in the Derbyshire school holidays.

CJB Traing & Adventure runs Paddlesports hire at weekends from May to September and occasionally midweek.


22 Works Road

S43 2PF

Disability Access Information

The public parts of the building and the car park are fully accessible; there are two toilets for the disabled. The towpath is built to Access for All standards.

There is a defibrillator on the outside wall.