21/06/2016 09:07
Following Bridgewater Canal's update of its approach to enforcement for Canal & River Trust licence holders (see below), we wanted to confirm that we will forward details of any licence holders wishing to use the Bridgewater Canal as part of passage to a festival this summer. Please contact us at enquiries.manchesterpennine@canalrivertrust.org.uk; or enquiries.northwest@canalrivertrust.org.uk, and provide your boat details (index number, name, and your name, and the festival that you are travelling to/from, and dates of travel), and we will pass these on.
We will provide a further update following a meeting planned with representatives of the Bridgewater Canal Company in July to discuss these issue.
NOTICE JUNE 2016 - Announcement for amendments to the BCCL/C&RT reciprocal agreement.
Please note we are now operating a no return within 28 day restriction
under the reciprocal agreement with CRT. We have been working on these
changes for a year and BCCL have now decided to bring them into play
this summer to reinforce our enforcement work and to protect the Canal
from abuse. To help prevent further exploitation we have introduced a
no return policy to the reciprocal agreement which now reads as;
'C&RT licensed crafts are permitted upto 7 consecutive days free
navigation on the Bridgewater Canal. No return within any 28 day period'.
For clarification after 7-days from first arriving on the Bridgewater
Canal a permit will be required to remain on the Bridgewater Canal.
Any return within 28 days from the date of leaving whether leaving
after 3 days or 5 days or up to 7 days you will require an additional permit.
We are in discussions with C&RT and have agreed with C&RT that for
2016 any boaters who are registered to attend the Liverpool Festival
or another bona fide canal festival will be permitted return
navigation on the Bridgewater Canal at no cost subject to their
registration details being provided to BCCL by C&RT or IWA.
It is possible that a return ticket for a reduced fee may be
introduced. Any return ticket information will be placed on the
Bridgewater Canal website when it is available.
On behalf of
The Bridgewater Canal Company Limited
Email: BridgewaterCanal@peel.co.uk
Web: www.peel.co.uk