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Rochdale Canal Lock 7

Starts: 26 July 2024 11:45 am

Ends: 12 August 2024 11:30 am inclusive

Type: Advice

Reason: Repair

Is the towpath closed? No


Closest waterwayRochdale Canal
Starts atLock 7
Ends atLock 7


12/08/2024 11:18

The team have done an amazing job and worked hard to fix this lock.

They have tested putting boats through the lock and confirmed that it is all now re-navigable.

07/08/2024 13:50

The fabric dam was installed on Monday and our team have been working to fix the problems they uncovered.

They expect the work to be complete by 9th August. As long as this goes to plan, the dam will then be removed on 12th August and we should be in the position where we can reopen the lock on 13th August.

31/07/2024 16:36

Water levels have risen and are continuing to increase gradually.

Our engineer visited the site today to plan the next steps for a permanent repair to the lock.

A fabric dam is scheduled for installation on Friday, with work beginning on Monday. The full extent of the repair will only be clear once the dam is in place. We will provide an update to this notice by 4 PM on Wednesday, August 7th

26/07/2024 13:09

Our operative has assessed the damage to the lock. They have ashed the gates which is helping to form a seal so water levels can recover.

This lock cannot be used until the damage to the gate has been fixed.

Until water levels have recovered and the damage has been repaired, there is a stoppage at this lock.


We are losing a lot of water through lock 7, as a result of the gates being damaged.

The team are investigating and trying to stem the flow.

Until water levels have recovered, pound 7 is not navigable.

This notice will be updated as soon as we have progress to report.

photo of a location on the canals
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