07/07/2023 14:40
Repairs have now been completed and portadams are due to be removed on Saturday 8th July.
Subject to water returning to navigable levels we will re-open the navigation on Sunday 9th July.
05/07/2023 10:11
Our team was alerted to reducing water levels in the Leeds & Liverpool Skipton pound (evening of 29 July). We carried out investigations into the cause the following day and found a problem with a culvert downstream of Holme Lock at Gargrave.
A fish rescue will be taking place on 4 July, with CCTV of the adjacent culvert taking place the following day, to confirm any damage to the main culvert structure and fully inform a repair methodology.
We expect to start repairs from Thursday 6 July and will provide a further update on Friday 7 July.
In the meantime, water levels downstream are improving. Therefore, our team of lock keepers will be enabling passage through Bingley 3 & 5 Rise Locks, Forge Locks and Newlay Locks on a discretionary basis depending on how much water is available (in addition to the previously advertised times).
03/07/2023 15:06
Due to recovering levels the lock flights will reopen to allow water to flow. Passage for boaters will be at the discretion of the lock keepers on site. The keepers will be on site between the regular opening hours.
Holme Bridge Lock will remain closed to preserve water levels.
03/07/2023 09:46
Cofferdams and pumps were installed over the weekend and the affected area is being drained of remaining water. A feed has been established downstream and levels are starting to recover gradually. Our engineers will be on site later today to diagnose the failure and design a repair. Additionally, a fish rescue is taking place today to protect the canals ecosystem.
The navigation remains closed until levels recover significantly. A further update will be provide on Wednesday.
01/07/2023 09:58
Temporary dams and pumps have been installed on site and are in operation.
Due to pump piping set up the towpath is now closed at the site downstream of Holme Lock.
30/06/2023 15:06
Temporary dams will be installed later today to deal with the low water levels.
The locks will remain closed, a further update will be provided tomorrow.