05/05/2023 15:30
We are pleased to advise Bridge 9, Handcocks Swing Bridge on the Leeds & Liverpool canal has been successfully repaired and is now back in operation.
Please be reminded, use of this bridge is restricted during peak traffic times and is open for user operation from 9:30am to 2:00pm and 6pm to 7:30am daily (no assistance required).
04/05/2023 16:16
Following the inspection of Bridge 9, Handcocks Swing Bridge on the Leeds & Liverpool Canal, our specialist contractors have found a further issue which requires replacement parts. They will be back onsite tomorrow morning to replace these parts. Unfortunately, until this has been caried out, we are unable to further manually swing the bridge for passage.
We ask all customers travelling to, and from, Liverpool to wait by the bridge and await further instruction.
An update will be provided tomorrow afternoon, Friday 5 May.
04/05/2023 10:16
Our local team are now heading to Bridge 9, Handcocks Swing Bridge on the Leeds & Liverpool Canal to manually operate the bridge to allow for any waiting crafts to make passage until 12pm.
Our specialist contractors will then be onsite to inspect the bridge and plan a method of repair.
An update will be provided this afternoon following contractor attendance.