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The charity making life better by water

Temporary Conveyor Bridge - 25m east of Railway Bridge 8c

Starts: 10 March 2023 08:00 pm

Ends: 17 March 2023 07:00 am inclusive

Type: Navigation Closure

Reason: 3rd Party Works

Is the towpath closed? Yes


Closest waterwayPaddington Arm (Grand Union Canal)
Starts atBridge 8C (Railway)
Ends atBridge 8C (Railway)
Upstream winding hole Winding Hole, Alperton
Downstream winding holeBridge 3D Westbourne Terrace Turnover Bridge


03/03/2023 11:17

We would like to advise our customers that HS2 will now be starting these works on 10/03/2023 instead of on 06/03/2023. The end date remains 17/03/2023


We would like to advice of an additional stoppage to our winter works programme. HS2 have requested to close the navigation and towpath overnight for 12 days from 8pm to 5am.

The stoppage is to enable the completion of some artwork installation on the conveyer bridge over the canal. There will be towpath diversion put in place.

We apologise if this additional stoppage causes any inconvenience.

photo of a location on the canals
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