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Bradley Culvert - temporary repair successful

Starts: 17 June 2022 01:45 pm

Ends: 7 July 2022 01:45 pm inclusive

Type: Advice

Reason: Information

Is the towpath closed? Yes


Closest waterwayLeeds & Liverpool Canal
Starts atBridge 182A, Bradley Swing Bridge
Ends atBridge 183, Hamblethorpe Swing Bridge
Upstream winding holeLL-155-005 downstream of Stirton Aqueduct
Downstream winding holeLL-163-004 upstream of Farnhill Bridge


07/07/2022 13:56

The temporary repair to the culvert has been successful.

Navigation is now open.

04/07/2022 08:47

Our team have been working across the weekend to prepare for a concrete pour to repair the structure on Monday. This will be followed by the installation of clay to repair the lining of the channel on Tuesday and a stilling test will be carried out on Wednesday to check if the repair has been successful. If so, the portadams will be removed on Thursday with the canal hopefully re-opened on Friday 8th July. This is of course subject to the temporary repair being successful and we will update the notice on Wednesday 6th July to confirm progress.

27/06/2022 13:18

Our Engineers have designed a temporary repair for Bradley Aqueduct and works are planned to commence on Monday 27th June. At this stage they estimate that the works will take around 2 weeks. Once the temporary repair is complete, the canal we be re-opened with the following restrictions in in place

  • A reduced depth, restricting vessel draught to and estimated 0.6m.
  • Single file passage through the affected area.
  • A requirement to travel at a 'dead slow' speed.
  • A temporary landing will be in use for the operation of Bradley swingbridge.

It is our intention to return to site in November this year to undertake a permanent repair to the aqueduct.

The reopening of the canal following the completion of the temporary repair is dependent upon sufficient water entering the canal from the main feeder channel on this section, Eshton Beck. Whilst sufficient inflows are being received at present it should be noted that we are experiencing a significant and prolonged dry spell of weather and levels within Eshton Beck are lowering.

A further update, with a confirmed date for re-opening of the canal, will be provided by Friday 1st July

20/06/2022 15:56

Contractors attended site on Saturday 18th June 2022 to install portable dams to isolate the culvert for detailed inspection . Over-pumping was also established to maintain downstream water levels which will be monitored.

Our engineers and contractors have today been inspecting the damage and are considering options for the repair work. At this stage the condition of the aqueduct / culvert is considered to be at significant risk of collapse if not replaced either in part or as a whole structure.

The canal will remain closed between Bradley Swingbridge (upstream) and Hamblethorpe Swingbridge (downstream) until further notice.

Further updates on progress and likely repair period will be provided once the review of options and likely programs of repair work are completed. We expect this to be Friday 25th June 2022.


A culvert carrying 'Middle Beck' beneath the canal at Bradley has failed, leaving a 2m hole in the top of the culvert.

Contractors will be on site on Saturday 18th June 2022 to install portable dams to isolate the culvert for detailed inspection and repair. An over-pumping arrangement will also be established to maintain downstream water levels.

Whilst these investigations and repairs take place the canal will be closed between Bradley Swingbridge (upstream) and Hamblethorpe Swingbridge (downstream).

Further update, and an estimated repair period, will be provided once investigations are completed. We expect this to be Monday 20th June 2022.

photo of a location on the canals
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