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Towpath Closure and Mooring Suspension, Between Bridges 114 and 115a, Grand Union Canal

Starts: 6 June 2022 08:00 am

Ends: 23 August 2022 05:00 pm inclusive

Type: Towpath Closure

Reason: (Re)Construction

Is the towpath closed? Yes


Closest waterwayGrand Union Canal
Starts atBridge 114, Bridge Street
Ends atBridge 115A (Railway)


27/07/2022 15:59

Towpath will be open temporarily July 30-31st for the Linslade festival, mooring boats will be permitted, however all boats must be gone by Monday August 1st

24/05/2022 11:44

Please be advise, to accommodate the Queens Jubilee, the start date for these works have been postponed until Monday 6th June.

19/04/2022 15:55

Please be advised that after a revised consultation, we can confirm that the Linslade Customer Service Facilities will remain accessible throughout these works, including the use of the water point.


Please be advised that the towpath will be closed for approximately 12 weeks, between bridge 114 and bridge 115a, on the Grand Union Canal for a towpath resurfacing project.

A mooring suspension will be required on the Leighton Linslade 14-day visitor moorings, whilst these works are being carried out.

The water point located near to the Linslade Customer Service Facilities will also be closed during this time.

photo of a location on the canals
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