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The charity making life better by water

Holmes Lock bridge and Bridge Street bridge , Rotherham

Starts: 4 April 2022 08:00 am

Ends: 14 April 2022 06:00 pm inclusive

Type: Towpath Closure

Reason: 3rd Party Works

Is the towpath closed? Yes


Closest waterwaySheffield & South Yorkshire Nav
Starts atHolmes Lock Bridge
Ends atBridge Street Bridge


Contractors are carrying out work in connection with Rotherham Flood alleviation scheme.

The Trans Pennine trail will be closed in sections at a time between Holmes Lock bridge and Bridge Street bridge for the construction of flood defence walls. This closure will affect towpaths in parts.

Please follow the diversion routes as applicable.

The movement of boats will not be affected.

Further information can be found on the Trans Pennine Trail website.

photo of a location on the canals
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