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The charity making life better by water

Oxford Canal - Towpath Closure

Starts: 6 April 2021 08:00 am

Ends: 5 July 2021 09:00 am inclusive

Type: Towpath Closure

Reason: Repair

Is the towpath closed? Yes


Closest waterwayOxford Canal
Starts atBridge 235, Wolvercote Road Bridge
Ends atBridge 230, Kings Bridge


29/06/2021 15:11

Although the Flexipave has been applied, the tarmac operation will be taking place this week. For this reason, we do not expect the towpath to be fully open until week commencing Monday 5 July.


Towpath Improvement Works will be taking place between Bridge 230 (A44, King's Bridge) and Bridge 235 (Godstow Road, Wolvercote Road Bridge).

For safety reasons, the towpath will be closed to the public between these dates.

Works will involve widening the towpath by up to 2m and placing a tar spray and gravel chipped even surface which will be free of puddles and easier to walk along.

photo of a location on the canals
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