29/04/2021 17:18
The dates of work have been altered to accommodate the times when the power in the lines can be turned off and the alternative supplies are able to take over to cope with the demand.
Third Party Contractors will be replacing the overhead power lines from the 26th May to the 8th July.
Can all skippers please slow down and approach the area with caution.
Towpath users may be asked to wait for short periods if the contractors need to use the towpath for the installation procedures
16/03/2021 18:07
The work dates have been altered.
Third Party Contractors will be replacing the overhead power lines from the 24th April to the 21st May.
Can all skippers please slow down and approach the area with caution.
Towpath users may be asked to wait for short periods if the contractors need to use the towpath for the installation procedures.