13/04/2021 14:50
The safety barrier has been removed from the ground sluice paddle at the Figure of 3 Top Lock and repair works have now been completed, therefore the Figure of 3 Locks are now open for navigation.
12/04/2021 11:05
Figure of 3 Top Lock is temporarily unavailable for use. During lock operation this morning a large plastic pedestrian safety barrier, of the type found around road works, was drawn through the lower ground sluice paddle box damaging the ground sluice paddle making it impossible to hold water in the lock to allow it to operate properly. This debris is probably from the floods of February 2020 and has been disturbed from where it has been buried at the bottom of the navigation during testing prior to reopening both locks for through passage.
Our operations team are working on a temporary solution now and we hope to have some lock operation restored as soon as possible. More permanent repairs have been actioned as part of the emergency response and we hope to undertake these this week and have the lock fully operational.
This is obviously very disappointing, but we are working hard to try and minimise the impact on boat movements. We fully appreciate and understand how frustrating this must be having waited for the repairs to be completed and the lifting of Covid 19 restrictions.
Updates will be posted when new information on the operational status of the locks changes.
12/04/2021 09:55
There is a broken paddle on the top lock therefore passage is not currently available.
Emergency repairs are being arranged and divers will be on site tomorrow to remove the obstruction.
We will update this notice when we have further information.
30/03/2021 13:31
We are pleased to advise that the locks will be open and a navigable channel in place for operation from 10am Monday 12th April for user operation
09/03/2021 15:29
Work onsite continues with some weather disruption seen throughout January and February.
Subject to conditions on site remaining favourable we are hoping to offer a pre-booked passage through the locks in the middle of April and we will publish the dates as soon as this information is available.
Due to current restrictions, general boating is not allowed to recommence until Monday 12th April.
For the latest information regarding Covid-19 and any restrictions or impact it may be having on our waterways please visit https://canalrivertrust.org.uk/enjoy-the-waterways/safety-on-our-waterways/coronavirus
18/01/2021 15:31
The works on site are progressing well with steel fixing and concreting works to the new lock island and new bywash the priority.
We anticipate that we will shortly be in a position to advise of dates and times of when assisted passage will be available through the locks.
As soon as this information is available, we will issue full details of how to book passage.
07/08/2020 11:34
Our contractor, Kier, have started work on site.
They are currently installing a temporary access track to reach the damaged lock.
We will update this notice when further information is available.
02/07/2020 11:37
Work is progressing on engineering designs and permissions for the repairs to the flood damage.
Contractors Kier are planning to start work in July on installing access to the lock.
We anticipate that the repairs will take until Spring 2021 to complete.
26/03/2020 08:50
Customers are asked to only move if essential to reach services and to follow government guidance at all times